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Monday 14 July 2014

Jump in a Tux look. Jumpsuit with bow tie.

I feel terrible admitting it, it's kinda embarrassing but I think I will have to be honest. I am repeating clothes because I have not shopped in a while and I hate that fact. 

Anyways... I will be out shoppin soon.... I am loaded (wink). 

This outfit inspiration came to me when I went out dressed like Super Mario (the video game character) very unknowingly. It just happened so that I wore my jump suit with red T-shirt and there I was ...................... pffffffff

So not after very long I had my friends calling me Mario (The video game character) which was funny coz later I realized that I actually looked like him so I decided that I'm gonna give this jumpsuit a little twist. Gonna pair it with something which no one in Bangalore has done before. Was not very sure about it. I received mixed reaction from people (it's a usual thing for me) but mostly positive.

I did not want to look like a guy with ordinary jump suit on. I wanted it to look one of a kind ensemble, so I threw on my bow tie, fedora and jacket on top of it. Well I think this look is edgy and I am able to pull it off. I completed the look with those boots that went well with this ensemble.

Fedora- Tie Rack London
Bow tie- Park venue
Shirt- Paul Smith
Jacket- Louis Philippe 
Jumpsuit- Sooo bloody local... its costed me a dime 
Shoes- I will check with my room mate who lent me his shoes and let y'all know ;)

All the pictures have been taken by my friend Venkatesh Murugesan. Click here to catch him on Facebook. 


1 comment:

  1. loove the outfit!! really cool and love the docs ;-) xx

